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Mahiki Manchester32972095 432885197165842 5125128420698619904 O

Mahiki stripped of its licence after ignoring social distancing measures

Manchester nightspot flouted COVID-19 guidelines by operating as a club

2019 02 13 Don Giovanni Vegan Hero Shot

Tasty offers at Don Giovanni

Half-price August and special set menu to celebrate graduation 2019

Vegan Spaghetti Rosso 2

Vegan-Italian dining: Don Giovanni launches new plant-based menu

And it's not just a few token dishes either

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Win a family lunch at Don Giovanni

Keep the kids entertained this summer holiday with pasta, pizza, ice cream (and wine for...

2018 04 27 Don Gio Pre Theatre Crè Me Brû Lé E

Confidential do pre-theatre dining in style at Don Giovanni

Three courses and we still made it to the show on time

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JOB| Social media / marketing team member at Don Giovanni

Join multi-award-winners and help them grow

20171215 Sax Man Alvin At Dg Thumb

Don Giovanni: eat, drink and have a very merry Christmas

Just add special seasonal cocktails and sparkling live music

20171123 Dgxpt Roasts

Get a good roasting at DG x Per Tutti

Tradition with a twist – Sunday lunch, Italian style

20171108 Dg Italianoty

Don Giovanni named Italian Restaurant of the Year

Second win this year for indie Italian

20171107 Dg Limon

This Manchester Italian restaurant makes its own limoncello

And they’ve shared some recipe tips with us

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Manchester restaurants triumph in the English Italian Awards

Which two restaurants took home the trophies?

20170510 Don Gio 75

Win £150 bar tab for Don Giovanni’s new DG Sessions

Drink for free into the wee small hours at Italian fave!

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Don Giovanni Takeover

Revealed: venue for special festive pop-up!

20170803 Don Giovanni A La Carte Lobster Thermidore

Which award-winning Italian restaurant is planning a surprise takeover?

The restaurant will create a surprise pre-Christmas pop-up this winter

Chris Bergin 33 Copy

Let Don Giovanni put the sparkle into Christmas

With four brand-new menus rolled out for the festive season to help you celebrate in...

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Liquid Desserts from Don Giovanni

Exclusive Desserts and Cocktails as part of the Manchester Loves Cocktails festival

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Don Giovanni Offers a Special Rainbow Cocktail for Pride’s Big Weekend.

50% of the proceeds go towards helping Manchester Pride

20170803 Don Giovanni A La Carte Hero

50% off a la carte at Don Giovanni

Lobster, chateaubriand, veal escalopes…it’s all half price, every single day