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Habas Manchester Restaurant Header

'This is what cultural appropriation tastes like' - Habas, reviewed

Sophie Rahnema rolls her eyes at hummus at Simon Shaw's new Middle Eastern offering

The Queue To Escape To Freight Island In Manchester

Freight Island: indoors or outdoors, it's a gaff and a half

Gordo faces his Pinocchio and pizza phobias on a trip to Mayfield Depot

The Green Star Michelin Chefs Of The North Tommy Banks Sam Buckley Simon Rogan Nick Friar

Michelin’s green stars of the North on sustainable dining

Meet the chefs behind these sustainable fine dining restaurants

Outside Seating Area At Salvis Northern Quarter Restaurant

'A menu full of love and carbs' - Salvi's NQ, reviewed

Sophie Rahnema gets a hit of childhood nostalgia at Salvi's Northern Quarter restaurant

Jewish Museum Food June Header Credit Chris Payne

Live street art, Higher Ground, new Nico - Bitesize food and drink news

Plus sourcing mushrooms in Piccadilly Gardens and Foodhalls hit Sale

District Thai Restaurant On Oldham Street Manchester

'It sure fits the post-apocalypse pandemic mood' - District, Oldham Street, reviewed

Kelly Bishop checks out this hip 'new wave Thai' inspired tasting menu

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Escape to Freight Island: Much more than just a bar

It’s an all-in-one, one-stop-shop for some of the best days and nights in the city...

Six Trees Kitchen Bar Trafford Park 2

'Eccentric, delightful and self-made' - Six Trees Kitchen and Bar, Trafford Park reviewed

Jonathan Schofield finds a place where engineering is assisting the Manchester food and drink scene

Thirsty Korean Chorton Review Header

'Inexorable, steely joy' - The Thirsty Korean, Chorlton reviewed

Lucy Tomlinson self-medicates with firewater and fiery Korean food in Chorlton

A Cocktail With Dry Ice And A Skewer Of Cherries At Rendition Bar Manchester

River Cafe chef opens ‘exclusive’ new Manchester restaurant and bar

Get your beret on, Rendition reckons there’s a food revolution on the way

20210527 Indian Summer Fest Pic1

Let’s have an Indian Summer: Family friendly food festival comes to Cheshire

Arley Hall welcomes Indian Summers celebration of food and drink in July

Barmen Serving Pint Of Peroni At Festa Italiana Manchester

Festa Italiana returns to Manchester this summer

The Italian food festival will feature new Peroni pop-up cinema and arts and culture strand

20210517 Vapiano Pasta Gamberetti1

Quick eats that don’t compromise on flavour

Make life easy with lunch at Vapiano

A Bacon Sandwich At Open Kitchen At The Peoples History Museum Manchester 800 X 1200

'Your rubbish is not a gift' - Open Kitchen cafe opens at PHM

We talk to Corin Bell about food waste, sustainability and her new Manchester cafe at...

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The NQ hangout Confidentials simply loves…

Write The Pen and Pencil at the top of your going out list

2021 05 13 Bab Flat Iron

New menu update at BAB: There is no new menu, just all your classic faves

Why mess with perfection?

National Express Sweets 14

National Express is giving away very strange tins of sweets

The bus company wants to celebrate the sweet taste of freedom - and it tastes...

Beetroot Hummus With Greek Yoghurt And Dill

June opening for Simon Shaw's new Middle Eastern restaurant

Habas menu spoiler alert: there will be hummus