Harley Young goes on a fitness kick with Corporation street gym The Olympus Projects

Working in the Food & Drink Journalism industry is good craic. You’re the first to know about any exciting new openings, meet some of the most talented, influential foodie entrepreneurs and chefs, and you’re invited to try all their wonderful dishes. 

But, like all things that are done in excess, constantly eating rich and plentiful dishes starts to take its toll on the body and, before you know it, you’ve piled on a few extra pounds (or stones, in my case) than you’d accounted for.

In order to improve my relationship with food, grow muscle and get back to a position I’m happy with, I’ve teamed up with The Olympus Projects’ PT and strength & conditioning coach AJ to take part in a 12-week intensive course designed to help me kick the gluttony and tone my body. Alongside this, I’ll be periodically checking in with nutritionist Oliver to manage protein goals and keep my healthy eating habits on track. 

For reference, I’m 5ft3 and my starting weight was 78kg. 

Now the spiel is out of the way, let's get down to business. 💪

This article documents weeks 10 to 12, the final leg of the 12-week course. If you haven’t already, read the other weeks, you can read them below. 

2024 07 26 Olympus Projects
Master your might Image: Confidentials

Week 10

Getting back into the rhythm in weeks seven to ninereally lit a fire up my arse and I was determined to give these last three weeks all I had in terms of hitting PB’s for weight lifting and reintroducing the mindful eating habits. 

AJ explained that, by this point, it was a good time to introduce more regular cardio sessions alongside strength training to help keep the weight off and increase stamina. A session designed for this at The Olympus Projects is ‘Herculean Trials’ - a conditioning-based class that uses modified strongman exercises whilst integrating dynamic and explosive functional movements designed to take your body out of its comfort zone. It’s fast paced and combines cardio elements with strength training, using equipment like the prowler, ropes and jumping boxes to get your heart rate up.

During the last few minutes of these sessions, we introduced the Tabata workout - a style of high-intensity interval training (more commonly known as HIIT) which involves 20 seconds of maximum effort exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest for a series of rounds. Usually for these sessions, this would include a combination of ski rows and mountain climbers or 20 seconds of pedalling fast on the assault bike. It’s exhausting, mentally and physically tasking, but it’s over quickly and you get a real rush of endorphins afterwards. My advice would be to bring plenty of water for these sessions as you’re going to sweat A LOT. 

Week 11

I was heading back to Sheffield to visit family on Friday after work, so decided to cram all of my sessions into the first half of the week as I knew I wouldn’t have access to a gym over the weekend. As well as catch-ups at the pub and a lovely meal at the local Italian, I planned in a couple of walks with the family pup and a friend I hadn’t seen in months to keep active where I could.

AJ and I also incorporated more of the high-intensity Herculean Trials sessions. A class I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with as they are quite tough, but ultimately I feel on cloud nine after doing them. 

Another great session for getting the blood pumping is ‘Agoge’ - a combination of boxing, bodyweight and kettlebell training which encompasses boxing techniques like head movement, foot work, punch combinations and kettlebell flows designed to improve movement, stability, power and hypertrophy. 

If you want to unleash your inner warrior and fancy yourself a modern day Muhammad Ali, sign up for one of these classes (available at midday or 7pm most days) and you’ll be stinging like a butterfly and floating like a bee in no time. 

A barbell weightlifting class at the Olympus Projects in Manchester
Focused and determined class members at The Olympus Projects Image: The Olympus Projects

Week 12

The final week. The last chance to give it my all before the final measurement readings and weigh in. I decided to go hell for leather, booking in as many sessions as I could ready for Friday morning’s judgement day. 

I’d train first thing in the morning before work if I was having an office day, and early evening if I had to be here, there and everywhere. The 7am starts still aren’t any easier to get up for - I don’t think I’ll ever be a morning person - but the motivation and drive is there now, I know I’ll feel better for it and that’s what gets me out of bed in a morning. Despite being knackered after work, I found myself enjoying the evening sessions as a nice way to wind down for the night and get ready for bed. Work, gym, shower, dinner, TV, bed. Sorted. 

A combination of Labours of Atlas strength training and weight lifting, one-to-one classes and high intensity Herculean Trials saw me pushing my body to its limits (sensibly, under the watchful eye of AJ). 

What I’ve really respected about training with The Olympus Projects is that I’m pushed and challenged but not beyond my means. If I’m having a genuine off day, or one of my slightly arthritic knees decides to not play ball that week, AJ would adapt the session to meet me at my level. I’d still be training, gaining skills, confidence and keeping moving, just without causing injury or burning myself out. Something that’s really important if you want to keep that motivation and not ultimately pack in training at the gym through bad experiences - something I’d found in the past which had left me putting off training again for as long as I could remember. 

The final weigh-in

All in all, after 12 weeks of (mostly) consistent training, mindful eating and goal setting, I managed to shift over a stone and a half whilst gaining muscle and strengthening both my body and mind. 

My new measurements speak for themselves; I’ve trimmed my hips by 3cm, my chest by 8cm and my waist by 12cm (see full measurement breakdowns below). I’ve dropped a jeans size and clothes I haven’t been able to wear for months, if not years, now fit comfortably - some with room to spare.  

2024 08 18 Harley 12 Week Fitness Before Measurements
My measurements before Image: Confidentials
2024 08 18 Harley 12 Week Fitness After Measurements
My measurements after Image: Confidentials

I wake up feeling far more energised than I would have done prior to adopting a fitness routine and a balanced diet, often waking up naturally without my alarm and very rarely napping - anyone who knows me knows I usually couldn’t function without a long nap on weekends. 

The biggest change I’ve noticed, though, is my change in confidence. I’m not as self-conscious as I once was, hiding at the back for group photos or swerving my turn to present social content as I wasn’t ‘feeling my best’ that day. The endorphin boost I’ve been given from working out and eating nutritious foods full of vitamins and minerals has me thinking sharper, reacting quicker and has overall put some pep in my step. 

I’ve even started ditching the baggy outfits for more fitted, figure-hugging clothes that make me feel good (my camera roll is full of selfies again!).

2024 08 18 Harley 12 Week Fitness Before Pic
My before pics Image: The Olympus Projects
2024 08 18 Harley 12 Week Fitness After Pic
My after pics Image: Confidentials

Do I still treat myself? Definitely - I still have my chocolate obsession and I don’t think that will ever change, blame my sweet tooth. Could I have been stricter with myself and lost more? Of course I could have. But to be able to walk into a gym with my head held high, try new pieces of equipment I would have once shied away from, and actually look forward to taking part in classes and meeting new people who drive and motivate me to meet my goals even further is all I could have ever asked for. 

I’m so excited to see where I could be a year or even a few months from now with my newfound interest in my fitness and overall health. 

Interested in reaching your fitness goals? Enquire at The Olympus Projects 

The Olympus Projects, 109 Corporation St, Manchester M4 4DX

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Read next: Manchester restaurant and bar deals: September 2024

Read again: Strength training at The Olympus Projects: Weeks 7 to 9