Mancunian warning: Facebook, the general media and mob rule
Jonathan Schofield on how CP Scott’s words are being ignored, to all our cost
Jonathan Schofield on how CP Scott’s words are being ignored, to all our cost
Jonathan Schofield sings for his supper in a sweet and simple new vegan spot
Jonathan Schofield examines the need for a Public Space Protection Order
Jonathan Schofield thinks this petition has gone too far
Jonathan Schofield on the building boom and how things have changed
Jonathan Schofield likes the look of a sympathetic blend of old and new
Jonathan Schofield on a recent trend for statues that don’t resemble the people they are...
Jonathan Schofield takes a level headed approach to recent reports of a ‘crime wave’
Jonathan Schofield on art, bombs and war as an exhibition tells the 80-year-old tale
It’s all your own fault, says Manchester City Council
Jonathan Schofield on an unexpected but welcome result of central Manchester’s building boom
Jonathan Schofield pens a poem about rocket - well, it's more exciting than the food