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Jonathan Schofield

Jonathan Schofield

Writer guide

170727 Fress Review Img 0325

Restaurant Review - Fress, Northern Quarter

Jonathan Schofield enjoys a sharp new restaurant on a street that’s changing

2017 07 25 Fredreich Engels Home First Street

The return of Friedrich Engels - right or wrong?

Jonathan Schofield examines complaints that the return of a dead German communist is a bad...

170711 St Michaels New Tower Design3

Gary Neville: a new type of developer?

Jonathan Schofield on the shock but welcome news of a developer actually listening to criticism

170713 Rice Bowl Review Img 8283

Restaurant Review - Rice Bowl, Cross Street

Jonathan Schofield has a pleasant but unexciting fill-up at this veteran restaurant

Manchester Central Manchester Gmex

Prime Ministers, Morrissey, Dereliction and Rebirth: the Manchester Central Story

Jonathan Schofield takes a look at the story behind the finest arch in the region

170629 Fountains Albert Square St Peters Square170629 Fountains Img 0560

Manchester's water features - a history of highs and disappointment

Jonathan Schofield looks at the city’s record and comes up with a surprising recommendation

170622 Chez Mal Review Img 0626

Restaurant Review - Chez Mal Brasserie, City Centre

Jonathan Schofield enjoys good food, a fine view and an Uber squabble

170612 La Torre Img 0447

Restaurant Review - La Torre, Urmston

Jonathan Schofield is a bat with fangs in Costa Del Whateva

170607 Hiqab

​Education, Segregation and the Niqab

Jonathan Schofield talks to Amina Lone about how society needs to draw the line somewhere

170607 Galloping Major Oddfellows On The Park Restaurant 3340 2

Restaurant review: The Galloping Major, Oddfellows on the Park, Cheadle

Jonathan Schofield finds greenery with good food scenery

170601 Richard Cobden St Anns Square Img 3852

Richard Cobden: who is the man in the middle?

Jonathan Schofield on the accidental aptness of the sea of flowers and the man

170523 Manchester Arena Terror Attack Img 5788

The Manchester bomb doesn't change our open society

Jonathan Schofield considers an awful Monday night in Manchester and previous attacks