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2020 07 29 Towers On Water St That Include Co Living

Can we carry on developing Manchester like we did before COVID?

Andrea Sandor on whether recent plans to approve a number of ‘co-living’ skyscrapers was a...

The Art School Interior

Restaurant no shows – What can we do about it?

Dear Restaurateur. Shouldn't you start charging a booking fee?

2020 06 25 Pan African Photo

75 years on: The Manchester Congress that changed Africa

Jonathan Schofield on a lovely building unveiled with a hugely relevant history

Northern Carnival Against The Nazis Jul 15 1978 Credit Phil Ramsell

Rock Against Racism Northern Carnival: The protest that made music history

40,000 people attended the 1978 rally and concert, featuring bands like Buzzcocks and Steel Pulse

2020 06 12 Statues Gandhi

Has Manchester had issues with its statues before?

Jonathan Schofield suggests a solution to the statue issue

2020 06 03 Cycling Liverpool

200km pop-up cycle lanes planned for region - but any in Manchester?

Andrea Sandor looks at who might have put the brakes on the idea

2019 07 23 Gladstone

A closer look at some other plinth people: Heywood and Gladstone

Jonathan Schofield talks us through some more of the characters we pass almost every day

2020 06 10 Peel

Let’s examine the campaign for the removal of the statue of Robert Peel in Piccadilly Gardens

Jonathan Schofield on the wrong Peel and the statue question?

2020 06 03 Gm Popup Cycleways

This is what Manchester’s cycling network could look like in just months

Andrea Sandor on a possible bicycle revolution and what needs to be done to make...

2020 05 29 Dominic Cummings

A view on Cummings. And you lot. And the press

Confidentials’ publisher Gordo reckons we’ve got bigger issues to get annoyed about than Cummings and...

Ancoats Cutting Room Square

Nearly 40% admit breaking COVID-19 lockdown rules in UK

According to our recent poll on Twitter

Hotel Indigo Manchester 5584863659 2X1

How are hotels going to have to change?

We look at some of the social distancing measures that might have to be put...

170703 Kowloon Northern Quarter

‘Everybody is going to have to take a hit because of this pandemic’

Occasional contributor Councillor John Blundell on how hospitality businesses need a bit of understanding

2020 05 04 North Manchester General Hospital

Opinion: MP, Graham Stringer on the cowardly UK government over COVID-19

The government is using ‘guided by the science’ as camouflage for difficult political decisions

2020 05 04 Feeding The Community

Food for all – Could we come out of this with a bold plan to combat hunger?

This pandemic has shown how communities can effectively redistribute food, but what happens next?

2020 04 30 Coat Of Arms Kimpton Clocktower Clock And Gable Ship

Up in Arms: The symbols of Manchester explained

Jonathan Schofield says when this is all over let's design in some identity

2020 04 23 Archi 2 Gregan

The story of Manchester architecture: Part two 1800-1850

Jonathan Schofield continues his online tour with the city's defining building type

2020 04 17 Inanimate Mast

Interviews with inanimate objects: This week, it's 5G masts

Confidential grills a 5G mast and uncovers a surprising truth