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180622 Green Quarter Danny Moran Vallea Court

How much? Green Quarter residents told to pay £3m to replace Grenfell-style cladding

As leaseholders are asked to stump up costs, is it time we turned the sprinklers...

180618 Dirty Manchester Street Pavements City Centre Img 2082

Stain on the city - why are Manchester's pavements so dirty?

Jonathan Schofield reports on the mess damaging our reputation

180613 Spice Piccadilly Gardens

A greater problem: seven hours in Piccadilly Gardens with Operation Mandera

The people on the streets of the city centre rarely start here. All of Greater...

2018 04 23 John Warboys

Why the case of the ‘Black Cab Rapist’ should be a lesson

Although John Worboys has been denied parole, many violent criminals are released - Manchester MP...

180129 Manchester Child Poverty Slum Screen Shot 2018 01 29 At 14 06 31

'They can't eat steel and glass' - Manchester's child poverty shame

Manchester is the second worst local authority in the country for child poverty and something...

170721 Beetham Tower From 2 St Peters Square Copy

Manchester is third best city in Europe to do business - but is it losing its soul?

Manchester is becoming a global player - but on the streets there's growing disquiet

2017 07 25 Fredreich Engels Home First Street

The return of Friedrich Engels - right or wrong?

Jonathan Schofield examines complaints that the return of a dead German communist is a bad...

Bbc Mediacityuk

Ludicrous Evans and Useless Yentob - why slashing BBC salaries is not enough

MP for Blackley and Broughton, Graham Stringer, on why this could be the beginning of...

170525 Manchester Arena Terror Vigil Screen Shot 2017 05 25 At 10 55 44

In these days of terror, Manchester is lucky to have such leadership

Confidential publisher Mark Garner pays personal tribute to Town Hall

170607 Hiqab

​Education, Segregation and the Niqab

Jonathan Schofield talks to Amina Lone about how society needs to draw the line somewhere

170516 Jacqui Smith

A new dawn? Former Labour Home Secretary speaks out

Andrea Sandor recaps Jacqui Smith’s talk at the People’s History Museum - from ‘brave’ May...

170420 Sleuth Ghost

Sleuth - Scrotums, Spooks, Stringer & Smells

Week 16: in which Sleuth encounters a heavily bearded man... twice

Theresa May Graham Skinner

Why I voted against Theresa May's snap election – Graham Stringer MP

The MP for Blackley and Broughton explains why Labour might have just made a ‘mistake...

170209 Can You Hear Me Now Zine

New Manchester-Based Zine To Champion Women In Music

'Can You Hear Me Now' is designed to give female musicians support in a ‘hostile’...

170209 The Friends Of Stretford Public Hall

Can People Save Stretford Public Hall?

Jonathan Schofield and the fight for a landmark

170303 Hospital 1

"The NHS is F**ked" – Secret Diary of a Manchester A&E Doctor

A disturbing first-hand account of life on the frontline of the worst winter crisis in...