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What's on in Manchester: all our events round-ups in one place

Handpicked Manchester nights out, events, family activities, gigs and more.

2023 04 06 KAYAK 7 Header

Kayaking down the Bridgewater Canal

David Adamson takes the famous waterway from Sale to Old Trafford and back again

Roxy Withy Grove 3

Back to life, back to reality, back to…the office party

Bring back the best bits of work life with Roxy Ball Room

2019 05 31 Dog Fest

Tips and tricks to keep you and your dog busy in isolation

What you can do as well as your one walk a day…

2020 02 11 Chorlton Repair Cafe Bike Repair

Big Fix 2020 - Can you fix it? Yes, you can

Andrea Sandor finds out more about Manchester’s make do and mend scene

2020 01 17 Flipperkeatz Victoria Mill

Flippers not slippers: Interview with champion fundraiser Craig Keatley

Andrea Sandor speaks to 'Flipperkeatz' about extreme challenges, turning 50 and his flipper-free fundraising bid for 2020

What's on in Manchester: all our events round-ups in one place

Handpicked Manchester nights out, events, family activities, gigs and more.

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