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What’s on in Manchester: August 2024

Festivals, foodie fairs and fight night at Albert Hall

Engels In Manchester

The Visit: In search of Friedrich Engels on his birthday

Ahead of Engels' birthday tour Jonathan Schofield explores sites associated with the celebrated Communist

2020 06 12 Statues Gandhi

Has Manchester had issues with its statues before?

Jonathan Schofield suggests a solution to the statue issue

2019 07 19 Hospital Iv Health

Did you know that the Public Health Act began in Manchester?

John Blundell on how pangolins and a health crisis have more in common than you...

2019 11 29 Engels House 2

Manchester demolished: A recent search reveals city planning insanity

Jonathan Schofield looks into how whole streets and beautiful houses have been wiped away

Engels Outside Homeimg 1946 Copy

Interviews with inanimate objects: Friedrich Engels' statue

Sleuth has a chat with a dead German communist on his birthday week

2017 07 25 Fredreich Engels Home First Street

On Friedrich Engels' birthday: in search of the man who changed the world

On his 198th birthday, Jonathan Schofield takes a look at the Communism co-founder's many years...

2017 07 25 Fredreich Engels Home First Street

The return of Friedrich Engels - right or wrong?

Jonathan Schofield examines complaints that the return of a dead German communist is a bad...

What’s on in Manchester: August 2024

Festivals, foodie fairs and fight night at Albert Hall

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