THIS IS good news.

Salvi's, the Corn Exchange purveyor of delicious, delectable and delightful southern Italian food, is opening another unit on John Dalton Street in three weeks time. 

Many operators come into Manchester - or expand in the city - and say much the same. But with Salvi's Corn Exchange we have proof that this lot deliver. 

This will occupy the old greasy spoon cafe site opposite Restaurant Bar and Grill. It will be round the corner from Grill on the Alley and just across from where Bill's Restaurant, the well-regarded operator from the south, is currently fitting out. Jack Spratt's is up the road and a proper pub, the Ape and Apple, is almost in touching distance. Variety is the spice of life.

Salvi's CucinaSalvi's Cucina

Salvi's is one of the city's best operators and will be the icing on the cake for the area.

The current unit in the Corn Exchange can lay claim to being the best small dining establishment in the city. 

The key is the freshness of the classic Italian food from the Mezzogiorno. The sourcing of mozzarella, the hams, the cheeses and the wines makes for a rewarding visit every time. The simple pasta dishes are just as you'd find in a Neapolitan sidestreet.  

Food to swoon over

Food to swoon over

A recent parmigiana (eaten on Monday evening) was the best veggie dish I've had in the city for at least a year. The layers of aubergine with cheese sandwiched in the middle and covered in an exquiste tomato based sauce was so light and yet so rich with flavour it made you smile and sigh as you ate. People stared. 

The only issue has been cooking times in the existing unit which doesn't have a kitchen as such, just preparation equipment crammed into one end of the counter. 

On John Dalton Street the kitchen will take pride of place as a piece of theatre in the centre of the still modestly scaled restaurant of 48 covers. Salvi's has also taken the unit on the other side of the photograph shop, see picture below, which will operate in tandem with its next but one sister, and will open a couple of weeks after its sibling. 

Salvi's Cucina - has taken both units on each side of the Photo shop

Salvi's Cucina - has taken both units on each side of the Photo shop

Maurizio Salvi, the proprietor, tells Confidential: "I want to deliver a proper street restaurant from Naples with Salvi's Cucina. Very genuine food, with the best ingredients. Pizza, pasta dishes, timed to perfection. Lots of life, lots of activity, but keeping the quality our customers love at the Corn Exchange."

The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say.

Many operators come into Manchester - or expand in the city - and say the same. But with Salvi's Corn Exchange we have proof that this lot deliver. 

Two or three years ago Confidential came up with the expression YAFI meaning 'Yet Another Fucking Italian'. This reflected the deluge of the sub-standard Italian/Mediterranean restaurants.

Salvi's is not a YAFI, it's RFD - the real fucking deal.

You can follow Jonathan Schofield on Twitter here @JonathSchofield or connect via Google+

Bill's Restaurant is moving in more or less opposite Salvi's Cucina

Bill's Restaurant is moving in more or less opposite Salvi's Cucina

The new siteThe new site
