ISN'T it frustrating when the English language fails to provide you with the precise word for that particular feeling you’re feeling.

You know what I mean?

Like the shiver that erupts over your entire body after releasing a long overdue pee (mostly us men) or that tingle that washes over your crown like a wave when you're hit with a particularly rousing piece of music. Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries, The Smiths How Soon is Now, Justin Bieber’s Baby, Baby, Baby.

We do our fair amount of food reviews here. We eat our Rogans, our Byrnes and our Martins, but what about the little guy?

It should be someone’s job to invent words for these ineffable feelings. Someone within the cloisters of Oxford English Dictionary HQ, possibly Will Self, he knows more words than actually exist anyway. He’d be perfect.

Well I’ve got a great one for them, that feeling when you suspect you may be missing out on something.

RollersRollers Cafe

The best the web can do is FoMo (Fear of Missing out), but that sounds way too much like YOLO (You Only Live Once) to be acceptable. Everyone knows that YOLO is only spouted by those that say ‘swag’ and use ‘hashtag’ as a prefix in normal conversation:

“Have you tried Rollers Café’s cinnamon rolls yet? Hashtag to-die-for.”

So when I heard a multitude of folk both inside and outside of ManCon Towers banging on about these cinnamon rolls at Rollers Café in the Arndale (tucked just inside of the Urban Outfitters Market Street entrance) I thought bloody nora, this must be that FoMo that the web would have me believe has turned Instagram into the crack of Generation Y.

Now I’ve walked past Rollers a fair few times, usually hot-footing it out of the Arndale, and although there appears to be an ever-present sample-giver-outer stood outside goading you in, alas, I’ve never dived in. Wish I had sooner.

We do our fair amount of food reviews here. We eat our Rogans, our Byrnes and our Martins, but what about the little guy? The café that toils away overlooked, providing weary shoppers with enough adenosine triphosphate to make it all the way around the sensory barrage that is the Arndale.

They deserve their dues.

The pizza is pretty good tooThe pizza is pretty good too

And to say these rolls are delicious is like saying: “Ay, that Beetham Tower’s quite tall” or “That Chetham’s Libray is pretty old” or “Those folk hanging around the benches in Piccadilly Gardens look a tad suspicious.”

They’re annoyingly delicious in fact; served oven hot with a cream cheese frosting, they’re sweet gooey plops of homely joy. It’s annoying in the respect that now every time I venture within 500 metres of Rollers I’m going to have to pop in for a fix. It’s the Greggs sausage roll problem all over again.

Better yet, the refreshingly efficient team at Rollers make all of these treats in store. They mix, roll and bake every baked product that they offer. You can even watch them doing so at the mixing station. You don’t get that level of scrutiny with a Tesco yum-yum.

The ‘Cinnamon King’ is £2.50/plus coffee is £3.50/plus a pizza and drink is £4.50. See here.

Grab an offer here

Rollers Café, Manchester Arndale (The Market Street entrance by Urban Outfitters)

Rollers Café, Unit 55, Upper Mall, Spindles Shopping Centre, Oldham

Follow @RollersCafe on twitter