PROSECCO on tap. Why hasn't this happened before? At Per Tutti, they now sell Gentile Prosecco on draught, meaning you don't have to cajole friends into sharing a bottle with you, and nor must you settle for a slightly flat serve from a bottle that's been open in the fridge too long.

The free-flowing fizz is part of Per Tutti's new Prosecco Bar. It's being launched this week alongside their new Aperitivo Time which offers refreshing aperitifs paired with complimentary, home-made Italian snacks from the Per Tutti kitchen.

Photo1The prosecco available on tap is Gentile Prosecco, which is 100 per cent Glera Grape. The sealed keg storage means it is always fresh, crisp, cool and lightly sparkling. It's a refreshing glass when drank pure, and it also makes for consistently good bellinis and aperitifs. It's priced at £5 per glass.

The Prosecco Bar offers seven varieties of Prosecco, ranging from a Prosecco Alvise Lancieri at £18.50 a bottle, to a Prosecco Sottorivo Malibran Magnum at £50. Our recommendation is the Prosecco Gorio DOC Malibran 2012 (£27.50) – a traditionally styled prosecco with a modest 11.5% alcohol, making it the perfect aperitif.

The prosecco is served all day but it's perhaps best enjoyed in those golden hours between 5pm and 7pm. This is when Per Tutti's new Aperitivo Time takes place.

Originally designed to kick start your appetite, 'Aperitivo Time' is a tradition taken very seriously by the Italians, particularly in Milan. The drinks are fresh, mouth-watering and usually effervescent, and most importantly, are always served with a complimentary snack

PhotoAt Per Tutti, they have four house aperitifs: Aperol Spritz, Negroni, Martini Royale and iced sour, all priced at £6.50. They're served with a complimentary snack such as grilled artichoke, meatballs, or arancini (Italian rice balls).

Aperitivo Time takes place every day at Per Tutti on Liverpool Road (opposite the Deansgate Hilton) from 5pm to 7pm. If you're meeting friends after work, why not meet them here?

And look out for a prosecco tasting night at Per Tutti in September – we'll bring you more details when we get them.


The Prosecco Bar at Per Tutti


Gentile Prosecco on Draught

£5 a glass

Prosecco Alvise Lancieri


Rose Spumanti - Villa Perini


Prosecco Gorio DOC Malibran 2012


Prosecco Di Conegliano-Valdibbiedene Spumante “San Fermo” 2012


Prosecco Valdobbiadene Frizante (Biodynamic)


Prosecco Sottorivo Malibran 2nd fermented in the bottle


Prosecco Sottorivo Malibran Magnum
