Technology and media professionals are invited to a free event at MediaCity this Thursday to mark the launch of ProductTank North.

The organisation provides an opportunity for product managers in Manchester and the North to exchange ideas and experiences about product design, development and management, business modelling, metrics, and user experience.

The London branch of ProductTank already has more than 1000 members. With media and technology companies on the increase in the North, they hope to build a strong network here for sharing best practice and ideas.

The event on Thursday is a chance to network and meet like-minded people over informal drinks. The night will consist of three presentations including one from Simon Cast, co-founder of ProdPad and MindTheProduct. Simon will be discussing what ProductTank is and playing short video highlights of the recent MindTheProduct 2012 Conference held in London. Expect a couple of great stories from Marty Cagan from Silicon Valley Product Group and Tom Chi from Google X.

Lucie Mclean, executive product manager at the BBC, will talk about how the BBC planned for this summer’s Olympics and the unprecedented traffic to the BBC’s mobile sites and native apps. She'll discuss what they learned about their audiences in the process.

Finally, product director of Monster, James Brian, will discuss how developing a successful, relevant, fresh product is tough and what makes product management so challenging.

The event is free but you must RSVP in advance. It will be held at BBC Sport's Quay House, Salford Quays from 6pm to 10pm on Thursday 1 November.

If you would like to go please RSVP at the ProductTank Manchester website. RSVPs close on 31 October at 5pm.