IT'S Mother's Day so return the favour. Your mum has no doubt done plenty of home cooking for you over the years so treat her to some real quality home cooking, BBQ-style, from Southern Eleven.

A slice of Americana heaven

It's a slice of Americana heaven with slow-cooked meaty goodness straight from the wood-burning ovens. They don't call it soul food for nothing.

Food like this is convivial eating, family eating, with plenty to chat about and plates to pass round and fight over like families do.


The food at Southern Eleven isn't poncey, it's full of warmth and hearty flavours that bring everyone together. What more could your mum want, than the family gathered around her arguing over the last hickory smoked chicken wing?

With delicious dishes like chilli beef brisket, chicken dinner and our iconic burgers, there'll be plenty of favourites but no stealing her onion rings – on Mother's Day, mums can choose any three courses from the menu, for free.

Book a family feast and let your Mum take her place at the head of the table on Sunday 15 March.

Email or phone 0161 832 0482 quoting Manchester Confidential.

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