
IT DOESN'T matter how hard you exercise, what you eat plays a vital role in health and fitness. If you're trying to shift those excess pounds, the food that you once loved can seem bland, boring and overly goody-goody. Undressed lettuce leaves and plain grilled chicken breast is not exactly what you'd call exciting.

With these dishes, eating is most definitely not cheating

You'll be glad to know that just because you're trying to look after your figure, your lifestyle doesn't have to change too much. Let UP Fitness and their expert trainers show you how you can still dine out and lose weight.

With these dishes, eating is most definitely not cheating.


The most important meal of the day – whatever you do, don't skip it.

Pot Kettle Black

Green smoothie with avocado, spinach, pineapple and banana

This is a real superfood breakfast. It's tasty but it's so full of good fats and nutrients that you don't need to feel guilty. The sugar is all naturally-occurring too.

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San Carlo Cicchetti

Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs

A dish that always feels rich and indulgent but it's not naughty, it's nice. Packed with protein and it contains all your fats for the day. A great one for boosting your get up and go.

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Light Lunch

Stay sharp all afternoon with a well-balanced lunch.

The Pen And Pencil

Avocado and prawn lollipops, Jalapeño poppers

These two small plates make a delightful lunch and they're good for you. Avocado and prawn lollipops contain healthy fats, essential omegas and plenty of protein. The jalapeño poppers are served with chilli jam on a bed of kale. Kale seems to be the food of the moment – it's got more iron than spinach so it'll turn you into a regular Popeye.

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San Carlo Cicchetti

Tuna tartare, caprese salad

Two more small plates that will bring a bit of zing to your lunchtimes. Tuna tartare is a very low calorie option but the oily fish contains protein and omega 3 fatty acids so your body is still getting what it needs. The caprese salad is another low-calorie option that's a real abundance of fresh produce.

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Post Workout or Evening Meal

This is the time of day when you really miss eating out. Staying home with steamed broccoli whilst your friends head off to your favourite restaurant can be something of a drag. No longer...


Fiorentina 22oz T-bone steak

Served with a rocket and aged parmesan salad, this is a fantastic lean, caveman style meal. Paleolithic types didn't pig out on Micro Chips and were all the better for it. This humongous steak is dry-aged for 38 days, giving you the some of the best flavour you'll ever have on a diet.

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San Carlo

Tagliata di filetto di manzo

After a full-on workout you need something like this sliced beef fillet with a light dressing of anchovies, capers and olive oil to repair your body. The dish has an incredible amino acid profile and is a great source of creatine.

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Training with Ultimate Performance and eating the correct meals at home or when dining out can have a massive impact.

If you want to see amazing results, book your free consultation with Ultimate Performance here.

Dave Gee, UP Manchester Client