Promotional Feature

Crazy boozy golf now has a new home in First Street

Junkyard Golf Club reopens on Friday 1 September in its brand new home at First Street – with a promise to be 'bigger, better and weirder' (which is concerning because their former incarnation in the Great Northern was already pretty bonkers).

The new place is officially their 'forever home' (awww) and it features three mashed-up nine-hole crazy golf courses created from reclaimed stuff and 'random sh*t' - including a clapped out speedboat, two warring bears and a few pairs of knickers. Er.

Groups can putt their way through all sorts of bizarre holes; think UV slides, UFC cages, a hip hop farm and a tree house bar. Get a beer and prepare yourself for some very bad puns.

There's no better way to lose your mind...

Book a game or find out more here

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Junkyard's new home at First Street
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Meet the courses:


Roll up, Roll up! It’s the greatest show on Earth – or somethin’ like that. This course is all about dark fairgrounds, circus freaks and twisted clowns. Winner takes it all in this homage to all things carnival. Check out the freak show Ferris Wheel, lost Fortune Tellers, and Hall of Mirrors, but avoid the clowns (warning: they're not the cute, cuddly kind).



Welcome to the jungle, you’ll have fun and games! Putt your way through a building site, a Guns N' Roses themed tree house, past a deep-cave-bear-wrestling-cage and a Rihanna themed forest bathroom. Not to forget the oil-soaked ocean and Rio-On-Sea! What is golf? Baby don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me. No more…



Time to take our scrapyard challenge. Wind your way through towers of tyres, written-off cars and auto-junk. Take on the giant loop the loop of Tyre-son Fury, putt on the top of a mini and down a slide, before you find yourself in the back of a van full of priceless art. And of course, it all ends up in Gary’s UV garage rave…don’t be a spanner, let’s go!


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