LONG, complex cocktail menus with scant difference between each drink make us want to grab for a spirit and mixer. So we were pleased to be sent duttons new cocktail menu which keeps things short, simple and gimmick-free. It has just eight cocktails with a short story about each one, and not a novelty name in sight.

duttons is proving popular for after-work drinks that then turn into an evening of food and a few more drinks…

Bahama MamaBahama MamaThis one sticks to the classics, even in the section called New Age cocktails. Here you've got the Cosmopolitan, the Espresso Martini, the White Russian, and tiki bar favourite, the Bahama Mama. All definitive drinks, in our view. Like your favourite vinyl album, on the flip-side of the menu, the Classics, is the real big hitters: the Mojito, the Long Island Ice Tea, the Dirty Martini, and the Mai Tai.

It's a grown-up cocktail selection that covers all  taste senses of sweet, sour, fruity and salty. Deliciously priced at £6.95.

With its enviable position on Albert Square, duttons is proving popular for after-work drinks that turn into dinner and a few more drinks. There's table service so you can get a booth and settle there all evening while they serve you great food and expertly-mixed cocktails.

MojitoMojitoNo washing up or supermarket dash, just time spent with friends, enjoying fresh-cooked, seasonal pub dishes. Main course daily offers start from £7. Have a look at the duttons menu.

If you've been hit by the post-summer blues and want something lift your working week, why not head to duttons for a ten past five cosmopolitan?

If you're still there, fully fed and happy, at ten past eight, don't say we didn't warn you.

To find out more about duttons, including offers and booking details for Christmas parties – visit our duttons pages.