GARY ‘Sticky Walnut’ Usher sure knows how to milk a crowd. Sixteen days ahead of schedule his latest crowfdunding project has surpassed its £50,000 target, which means the banks will stick in their promised £100k and his third venture, Hispi in Chorlton, comes that little bit closer.

The nicest thing was to be reviewed for who we are... a local bistro

Well not that close. Usher has described the site, believed to be on Wilbraham Road, as having "no kitchen or toilet and almost no walls.” In these parts we call that a pop-up.

"It's absolutely amazing! Seriously can't believe it," Usher told Confidential. "Doing it once felt great but everyone helping us to crowdfund a second time is just the absolute nuts."

Chef Patron Usher’s previous Kickstarter coup to open Burnt Truffle in Heswall on The Wirral last year has paid off with glowing reviews, the latest from Jay Rayner in The Observer this weekend, declaring “the kitchen can do no wrong”.

"We are completely made up and shocked with the review," said Usher. "Emma, Wongo and the team are chuffed to bits and we're all totally made up.

"The nicest thing was to be reviewed for who we are... a local bistro."

Gary Usher:Gary Usher: "We're all made up"

In a recent interview with Confidential, the typically self-effacing chef stated his new Chorlton restaurant would continue to offer the 'same shit'.

"What I do at Sticky and Burnt is what I know," he said. "So it will be the same sort of stuff... bistro food... no fannying about."

The clinching cash injection came from fellow chef, Michelin-starred Mark Sargeant, who told Usher: “I’m so bored of seeing your Kickstarter I’ve just rounded it up to pay the remaining £344. Now fuck off and get on with it, will you."

Despite surpassing their £50k target, you can continue to help Usher buy even fancier butcher's aprons and posher bogs by pledging here.

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