THE GENERAL ELECTION is upon us. It will decide the direction of the country for five years. It will decide the political future of the country and therefore the services you receive and the tax-levels you pay. It will define the nation.

Democratic complacency is creeping in across Europe opening the door for the dangerous fools of the far right and far left

In Greater Manchester the tenure of the next government will cover Devolution and the creation of an Elected Mayor. So while there are many safe seats in this left-of-centre neck of the woods, there are several swing seats such as Manchester Withington, where every vote counts. Your vote might influence what will happen to Greater Manchester's hopes of Devolution after Thursday 7 May. 

Democratic complacency is creeping in across Europe opening the door for the dangerous fools of the far right and far left. In Manchester we perhaps owe it more than anywhere else not to let this complacency betray us, not to repeat the lazy lie that all politicians are in it for themselves.

Why is this? 

Because in Manchester people died for the vote at the Peterloo Massacre of 1819. Their blood and sacrifice deserves better than a shrug of the shoulders.

Here at Manchester Confidential we're getting involved.

You can register to vote at up until midnight on Monday 20 April.

The election stories throughout the campaign and up to the moment of election will appear with us on the Wakelet below, helping you decide which way to vote.

Here's some DevoManc, NHS and EU/Immigration for starters, but to get into the thick of it click 'UK General Election 2015' (below the Union Jack polling box):