A look around the new Victoria Tap pub, guaranteed to make waiting for your train more enjoyable

The new pub in Victoria Station, Victoria Tap opened on Tuesday night. 

No longer will you have to sit on the platform freezing your bits off when your train is (inevitably) cancelled or delayed. Instead, ditch the cold metal chairs of Victoria Station for a warm and welcoming leather banquette at Victoria Tap. 

This new pub comes from the brains behind t'other Manchester station favourite, Piccadilly Tap

An impressive list of beers from local legends (and those from a bit further afield) beckon you in. There's also an outdoor area, which will soon be covered, for you to enjoy come rain or shine.

Travel information is conveniently displayed, so you can have a pint safe in the knowledge you can still make the last train home. 

Click the video below to find out more. 

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