THERE is just a five hour difference between these two pictures.

Furious Pete, the blogger and ‘pro competitive eater’, who became a Youtube sensation with video blogs of his crazy antics involving food and fitness has, this week, shown how he managed to go from fat to fit in just five hours.

If it sounds too good to be true that’s because it absolutely is.

In the footage, Pete claims to expose the techniques used by some companies to promote diet products and fitness devices. To begin with, he pumps iron in the gym before hitting the sun bed, dowsing himself in chip fat, creating great lighting, breathing in, snapping and finishing up with a touch of image manipulation magic - Photoshop.

The ‘before’ and ‘after' shots were actually taken in reverse order to allow him to look as "vascular as humanly possible" first thing in the morning, and then go on to gorge on "as much sodium-rich food as possible to retain water" followed by fizzy pop then chocolate milk, all after the vascular effect had gone away.

Watch the video below to see it for yourself: