
WE ALL know cocktails taste great. Trouble is, that great taste comes at a price. Buying one out costs a fortune and making one at home is simply too much effort: by the time you’ve traipsed around shops searching for the right ingredients, that eight pounds or so for a drink at the bar suddenly seems a lot more appealing. Oh, and did you remember the shaker? No, thought not...


But behold, a solution is nigh. No more frittering away hard-earned cash on a drink that’s gone in five minutes flat, no more waiting in queues to spend more hard-earned cash on another - and no more running to the corner shop for that crucial utensil you forgot to put on the list alongside all the other necessary items.

Ingredients are equally high quality, with all products being esteemed brands

Yes, The Cocktail Party In A Box is here. This genius Manchester-based creation includes all the ingredients and equipment you need to create six different cocktails from four to eight times, equalling 30 cocktails. At just £149.95 a box, that means one cocktail costs only £5: a price you’re unlikely to see in any bar. What’s more, it comes with a glossy full-colour recipe book, which contains an additional eighteen cocktail recipes - a further six types of cocktails can be made simply by adding one or two ingredients commonly found around the house. They even provide the ice cubes.

Sometimes you simply don’t feel like going out and - for house parties at home with friends - this is a no brainer. Classics like Bellinis, Cosmopolitans and Long Island Iced Teas are covered (there is two litres of alcohol after all) and you’ll also find five pieces of stainless steel specialist equipment. Ingredients are equally high quality, with all products being esteemed brands, and you won’t find any ready-mixed packages either.  

Once you’ve worked your way through all that, you can get a refill box for just £129.95. Since you’ll already have the equipment and recipe book, this makes each cocktail cost just £4.34. Add to the mix a good dose of laughter and an entertaining evening (or several) and you have your next cocktail party all boxed up.  


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