"Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths." - Joseph Campbell

Thea will show individuals how they can remember their dreams and offer practical techniques which will help them open up, understand, and begin to work with the oft baffling symbols of the dreamtime.

'If you’re serious about coming to consciousness and living a fulfilling life that reflects your inner essence, it’s time to get serious about your dreams. You have to pay attention to them. You just have to. There are no two ways about it. Dismiss them and you dismiss yourself (put another way, you dismiss your Self).

'Most people, however, dismiss their night-time dreams. It’s just the brain processing the events of the day, they say. Psychic crap. Stuff and nonsense. Well I have news for you - if you throw out your dreams, you throw out your dreams. Logical, overly intellectualised types might run at me wielding hard-and-fast-facts for saying that. But quite frankly my dear, I couldn’t give a damn.' - Thea Euryphaessa, Running into Myself

WHEN it comes to personal transformation, Thea believes in giving people back to themselves. In her ten years as a life coach, however, it’s only since she began working with clients’ dreams that she’s seen the most dramatic and life-changing results. This has proved to her, beyond all doubt, that there is a deep-rooted wisdom in dreams… if, that is, we are humble and willing to listen to and be guided by them.

Make sense of your dreamsFurthermore, over the past seven years, Thea has worked extensively with her own dreams allowing them to guide and shape her waking reality. By connecting with the dreamtime, she has consciously participated in the ongoing unfolding of her innate life’s story.

Now, at this workshop aimed at beginners, Thea will show individuals how they can remember their dreams and offer practical techniques which will help them open up, understand, and begin to work with the oft baffling symbols of the dreamtime.

The event will be held at City Therapy, 79A Lever Street, Manchester, M1 1FL on Tuesday 13 August from 7pm until 10pm.

Cost is £15 per person. Advance booking only. Please contact Thea to reserve your space: http://urbandeva.com/contact.php