NORMALLY the first thing we do with food and drink press releases is take out the gush, the crap, the giddy enthusiasm, and the seventeen thousand exclamation marks, and then see if there’s anything left. 

Often there isn't.

But this press release from the Socio Rehab team is different. It is so emblematic of the business concerned that we’re going to run it in all its fecund entirety. And odd grammar.

Some of you may have to wipe away a tear as this Manchester drinks pioneer bites the dust.

But all is not lost.......... 

'Socio Rehab, launched in March 2004, the dream of bartenders Beau Myers and Ian Morgan; an adventurous attempt to shake up the Manchester cocktail scene. 

'An unblinkered focus on innovative cocktails and a personal approach to service, Socio took things to the extreme from day one, run by bartenders for bartenders and cocktail lovers, Socio shunned trends and strived to be pioneers of a fast paced scene. 

'Unconventional and quirky, Socio has been a hit with patrons, and home to the best of Manchester mixological talent. 

'Socio achieved nationwide recognition, frequently touted as best cocktail bar outside of London, winning accolades within Manchester as Bar Of The Year and others we were too drunk to remember. 


'It’s the end of an era - times, tastes and people move on, SOCIO REHAB WILL CLOSE forever after New Years Eve. Our company BeautifulDrinks have decided to focus on food led operations, bringing our passions and talents to your tables. We’ve got fat and grown up, we still love the booze but we like a good bit of food to go with it, and Socio just doesn’t fit this model. 

'It’s been an emotional ride; we’ve sold over 100, 000 rainbow roads and gone through nearly half a million limes, but the biggest hits have been epic parties and even scarier hangovers. 

'We’ll miss you Socio - the people, the parties, the glow sticks, the cocktail menus. We’ve achieved what we set out to – Socially Rehabilitate people who have been over exposed to negative drinking experiences, I’d like to think we made people turn and look and most importantly made people smile and gave a good time.

'So to go out in Socio style we will be hosting an end of the year, end of an era, end of socio, END OF LIFE AS WE FUCKING KNOW IT party, New Years Eve Baby.' 

Back to us at Confidential.

For the NYE party just turn up, there's no door charge, so there will be chaos. 

The good news is that on 22 January a new Manchester player will rise on the Socio site.

This will offer food to surprise and top quality drinks, including a fine range of cocktails - so all is not lost for the mixer sluggers.

What is certain is that Socio will be missed. We can comfort ourselves that this isn't a death in the food and drink family of Manchester, just a change of direction, a career move, a maturing.

We say good luck to the new BeautifulDrinks battleship when she launches and all who set sail in her. 

Let's hope she makes as much of a splash as Socio and Almost Famous did when they launched. We can't wait to read the menu.  

You can follow Socio Rehab on Twitter hereYou can follow Jonathan Schofield on Twitter here.