THERE are whispers building in volume around Manchester that suggests a cafe tucked away on Tib Street sells the best coffee in the city. This follows the editor's article extolling the virtues of Caffeine & Co and Salvi's - click here.

The new claim is an odd one, considering the establishment in question is named North Tea Power. 

You know this coffee is good without pondering over the various levels and hidden passages within it, it stimulates the taste buds rather than the part of your brain that finds use for words like 'bergamot'.

You would be forgiven for thinking that there is a surplus of cafes in the Northern Quarter. North Tea Power, however, stands out by bypassing the tweeness of its competitors.

Opting for bare bones decor with recycled wood and school chairs, the cafe pulls off a distinctive style without being conceited. The mellifluous tones of folk music usher visitors into its spacious interior - maybe there's a bit of twee. 

North Tea PowerNorth Tea Power

Although eager to put the place’s coffee through its paces I thought it unfair to do so on an empty stomach. Good things come to those who wait and all that.

The lunchtime menu isn’t extensive but is constantly changing with a variety of sandwiches of the day on offer. 

After ordering the chorizo salami with chilli jam and cucumber (£3.80) from a soft spoken girl behind the counter, I sat outside and was served almost immediately. At first glance the bread looked roughly three inches too thick but my worries were alleviated after the first bite. 

The bread was fluffy and light allowing the chilli jam to suffuse through the sandwich but was substantial enough to support the well stuffed butty. The sauce had enough sweetness to live up to its claim to being a jam but never overpowered the mild but mouthwatering chilli. The mixture of chorizo and jam was not only well balanced but distinctive and made me wonder why I had never tried the combo before. 

My only issue was with the side salad of rocket which always offends me (it's not even thick enough to pick up with a fork) but that can hardly be held against North Tea Power. The sandwich was a delight and considering it comes from the Northern Quarter and costs under £4, I would consider it a bargain. 

The same cannot be said for the £1.65 can of lemonade. You can see why they don’t put the soft drink prices on display. 

Now, the moment of truth.

I confess I don’t entirely empathise with the almost religious devotion of the true coffee acolyte. Still on observing the intense focus on the face of the man making my cappuccino (£2.40), my expectations began to rise. 

Could this be the best coffee in Manchester?

It was bloody good.

I could almost taste the care put into making it. It was smoother than Marvin Gaye but without the bitter end and topped with milk foam so delectable that it could have been a dessert in itself. I could wax lyrical about the various chocolatey notes and honey undercurrents but I’d rather not. 

You know this coffee is good without pondering over the various levels and hidden passages within it. It stimulates the taste buds rather than the part of your brain that finds use for words like 'bergamot'. Basically, this is coffee that keeps on giving; it is rich, deep and damn fine. 

I don’t know if anyone is qualified to state definitively which coffee is the best in Manchester. In fact, that’s a lie, no one is qualified but if I were asked to recommend a coffee shop in Manchester I would, somewhat confusingly, point to 36 Tib Street, North Tea Power. 

So it's all hotting up beautifully. The editor's talking about Salvi's and Caffeine & Co, but I'm not letting him forget North Tea Power. Who needs Starbucks eh? Three different places, three different parts of the city, three great coffees.

You can follow Alex Horne on Twitter @AlH_HlA


North Tea Power, 36 Tib Street, City. M4 1LA. 0161 833 30732 Faulkner Street  Manchester, M1 4FH 

Rating: 14.5/20 

Coffee and food: 8/10 (really all for the coffee)
Service: 3/5
Ambience: 3.5/5

PLEASE NOTE: Venues are rated against the best examples of their kind: fine dining against the best fine dining, cafes against the best cafes. Following on from this the scores represent: 1-5 saw your leg off and eat it, 6-9 get a DVD, 10-11 if you must, 12-13 if you’re passing,14-15 worth a trip,16-17 very good, 17-18 exceptional, 19 pure quality, 20 perfect. More than 20, we get carried away.