Eating healthy just got a lot easier if you live or work in the city centre
If your healthy-eating goals get abandoned when you get busy, take a look at the new Lunch Pass from The Remedy Kitchen in the Royal Exchange Arcade.
The team there, led by co-founder Katie McIntosh, wanted to introduce something that was cost-effective, high quality, efficient and genuinely saved time for those living or working in the city. Especially the time lost standing in queues during your lunch break.
The Lunch Pass is paid for in advance, removing the transaction at the till. So you simply turn up, show your card, take your lunch box and away you go.
It couldn’t be any quicker to purchase a lunch that is freshly-made on site, high-quality, and arguably one of the healthiest in the city.
And at just £4.90 a meal, it's cheaper than many of the usual city centre destinations that offer a freshly-made lunch.
It can double up as a 'meal prep' service if you opt for multiple meals each day, and take them home or on-the-go with you.
There's no need to wait until January to start eating better, especially when this is such an easy change to make.
It's just £49 for ten meals collected from Remedy Kitchen on whichever day you need them.