THE SECOND eagerly anticipated bar from the team behind Northern Quarter favourite Kosmonaut is yet to open, but they've already thrown open their walls.

PLY will open to the public officially in August, but a pre-launch exhibition and event will take place in July.

Due to open in August, the bar is hoping to be a haven for creatives and is asking them to come forward to help decorate. No paint rollers or wallpaper mind, PLY wants artists to collaborate on their doodle wall within their 5500 square foot venue and contribute to their monthly exhibitions.

Screen Shot 2014-06-19 At 17.03.06PLY is the latest bar for Northern Quarter's Stevenson Square

The doodle wall will take up a full wall of the bar and artists have been invited to make their mark with designs, scribbles and sketches. The wall will be wiped clean every six weeks to allow new artists to showcase their work with a media launch and an opportunity to sell their designs via the bar and PLY website.

PLY are also after bookworms, with owners hoping that the new bar diner will be "somewhere you can stay awhile, and to this end is launching a book exchange, where you'll be welcome to sit and read for as long as you like." 

Screen Shot 2014-06-19 At 17.03.45Books, books, books

Literary lovers are invited to drop a book off, take a book away or swap with other bookish types in the bar and discuss opinions and reviews. Anyone with old or unwanted books and magazines can drop them off at 8 Stevenson Square anytime.

PLY will open to the public officially in August, but a pre-launch exhibition and event will take place in July.

Those interested in exhibiting or collaborating should email:

Follow PLY on Twitter at @plymcr

Or on Facebook here.

Follow Niamh Spence on Twitter at @missnspence

PLY will occupy the door on the rightPLY will occupy the door on the right