WITH the brewing of Boddington's famous bitter a thing of the past in Manchester, JW Lees have decided they want to put Manchester brewing back on the map with the launch of their new beer.

Manchester Pale Ale (MPA) is setting itself up as the real Manchester pint. 

Confidential went along for a swift half…or two.

MPA is a new session ale and, at only 3.7%, it slips down beautifully. It’s an easy drinker, lightly hoppy and golden in colour. You could argue for a tad more definition in the back-flavour, but overall it works a treat. Smooth is the ambition and smooth the result.

Manchester Pale Ale (MPA) is setting itself up as the real Manchester pint. 

Not content with wetting our whistles, JW Lees are determined to show their charitable side with a bit of “missionary work down south” in the words of William Lees-Jones, the managing director of the company and our amiable host for the evening.

The tight, creamy head beloved of Manchester drinkers is to be made available to those people unfortunate enough to be born the wrong side of the Watford Gap with a giveaway of sparklers.

No, it’s not November already – sparklers are a technical gizmo that enable beer to be poured through small holes to give that traditional foamy topping to your pint.

At the launch Mark Radcliffe was the compere for a pub quiz about all things Manchester (Confidential didn’t win – we chose am honourable early exit after accidentally shouting some of the answers in a fit of MPA inspired giddiness. Sorry.)

Bez was the house DJ for the night. Or rather, he reprised his role in Happy Mondays by dancing around whilst other people did the work. Very entertaining though and much fun was had by all.

At one point during the quiz, Bez and the audience were given a choice over when the first Happy Mondays EP was released, 1985 or 1986?

"I'll be surprised if you remember," said Radcliffe. "1985," drawled Bez, "I remember that year but I just can't remember any others."

Charity begins at home with MPA. It's five pence cheaper than a pint of JW Lees bitter. It makes sense to drink beer.

Rain Bar is at 80 Great Bridgewater Street, 80 Great Bridgewater St, City, M1 5JG, 0161 235 6500. To find out more about MPA click here 

Bez and Radcliffe performingBez and Radcliffe performing