Ed Hall said those working shifts after the Manchester terror attack should not have to pay for their own drinks
A man who aimed to 'put a few quid' behind the bar for Manchester hospital staff working in the wake of the Manchester Arena bombing has now raised over £11,000.
Ed Hall, a business man and lifeboat crew volunteer from London, set up the crowdfunding appeal following Monday night's attack, which killed 22 people and injured another 120.
He said: "I know alchohol isn't the answer to the stress and trauma that the emergency services have experienced today, but it seems a simple and easy way to say thank you."
After pledging £100 himself, Hall had initially hoped to reach £1000, but come 5pm and donations had already reached £6,500.
Hall had intended to put the full amount behind the bar of the Turing Tap (pictured top), adjacent to Manchester Royal Infirmary - where many of the injured were being treated. However, following an influx of donations, Hall says he now aims to distribute the money more equally across the city and close to other hospitals, plus police and fire stations.

Zoe O’Sullivan, of the Turing Tap - which has offered free food alongside the drink - said:
“NHS staff that came into Turing Tap last night were overwhelmed with the gesture that people across the country had made.
"After what will have been a terribly difficult week, we expect most to accept their free food and drink on Friday and over the weekend.”
Hall later added: "I am speechless. We have raised ten thousand pounds to buy a drink for the wonderful men and women who are working so hard to help those affected by the terrible events in Manchester.
"Nothing we've done today will fix the damage, or lessen the pain of those directly affected, but emergency service and hospital workers should know that if we were there now, we would buy them a drink. Of course we would. Who wouldn't? Thank you."