CAPTAIN Lyndon Higginson of The Liars Club in Manchester today announces he is closing down the Tiki Dive Bar and Caribbean Rum Shop after a year and a half of business to follow his newest passion by opening a real ale pub.
It's all too much. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving up drinking, I’m just looking forward to moving at a difference pace from now on. 
The bar which has become famous for serving rum based cocktails is facing a full refurbishment to appeal to a completely new market.  
Lyndon Higginson, comments:  “In January there were rumours in the media suggesting we were looking to expand into the unit upstairs, previously inhabited by Starbucks. We were then unable to confirm the details of the expansion as it took me a while to convince the owners, Ross and Jobe, that this was the way to go. But now we can reveal that the future for me is Pipe and Slippers.
“We had a great run with Liars Club, we’ve sold over 45,000 Zombies but to be honest I am tired of setting things on fire and partying all night. It's all too much. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving up drinking, I’m just looking forward to moving at a difference pace from now on. Watch this space for the date of the first Ale Society.

Ross Mackenzie, co-owner of The Liars Club comments: “I have to admit I wasn’t instantly sold on Lyndon’s latest idea but he was right about turning the original bar on the site, The Purple Pussycat, into The Liars Club so we’d be stupid not to trust him again. Craft Ales are popular at the moment and we look forward to appealing to another audience with this project.”
The refurbishment will be lead by original designer Paul Astill and the doors to the Pipe and Slippers are planned to open in time for summer.

For more details follow the Pipe and Slippers on Twitter at http://Twitter.com/Pipe&SlippersMCR

The Liars Club, These Two Have Promised To Return With BeardsThe Liars Club, these two have promised to return with beards