BAD CHRISTMAS gifts from well-meaning but misguided relatives - it's always a Christmas bugbear.

Most of us have the feigned smile and Oscar award-winning 'thanks so much' speech down to a fine art. Most of us end up with more stuff we don't want than we do. Not that we're ungrateful or anything.

The website allows you to design cards that help gently steer (or shove) your loved one in the direction of your desired Crimbo gift.

Our good friends Harvey Nichols have thought it best to solve this Christmas conundrum with its 'Could I Be Any Clearer?' Christmas cards and, well, frank honesty. The website allows you to design cards that help gently steer (or shove) your loved one in the direction of your desired Crimbo gift.

Harvey Nichols tongue-in-cheek viral video is from the same team behind the brilliant 2013 'Sorry, I Spent It On Myself' campaign. The department store know exactly what we want we want this year - something expensive, probably. 

Take a look at the Harvey Nichols viral 'Could I Be Any Clearer?' video:

Design your 'Could I Be Any Clearer?' cards on the Harvey Nichols website

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