
IF a diet of winter stodge has left you feeling sluggish and shapeless, the arrival of spring is a sensible time to start afresh. At Pho in the Corn Exchange, their menu is full of salads, soups and light Vietnamese dishes that are well suited for the longer days and warmer weather ahead. And they're perfect for reluctant (and enthusiastic) dieters, because they're naturally low in fat but still big on taste.

Pho use authentic Vietnamese recipes and make everything fresh, from scratch, daily.

Pho's salads, for example, are almost all under 300 calories. And because they're packed with protein, such as chicken, nuts and prawns, they won't leave you hungry. They're also high in vitamin C – just what your body needs when its natural defences are at their lowest at the end of winter.

Likewise, all the Pho soups are low in fat and saturated fat and are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including those that reduce tiredness and fatigue, such as vitamins C, B3, B6, folate, iron and magnesium. Think light and energy-boosting food rather than heavy and nap-inducing.

It's healthy stuff. But it's the opposite of manufactured 'diet food'. At Pho they use authentic Vietnamese recipes and make everything fresh, from scratch, daily. Nothing is brought in frozen or pre-packaged, and their broths are simmered for a full 12 hours to bring out the rich, complex flavours.

All this means that there's no compromise on taste: Pho is known foremost for creating delicious Vietnamese food. The fact that it's good-for-you is a lucky bonus.  

With gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian and vegan options, it's popular with people who have specific or restricted diets, as well as those just looking to 'eat clean'.

Go there today for a guilt-free lunch or dinner. Your body will thank you for it.

Check out the menu and book

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