IN a general survey of wine drinking titled the International Wine Challenge (whatever that is) the de-corking habits of the UK have been discovered.

The over 65s are the biggest boozers, putting students to shame by indulging in a glass of wine as early as 7.12pm. They are also the age-group most likely by a factor of three to start on the wine by 4pm. 

In the NW of England ‘wine o clock’ is 7.48pm. 

This is late.

The North West is apparently the area least likely to have an early evening tipple with only 6% pouring a glass before 6pm, compared to 17% in Wales and 15% cent in London. We are fifteen minutes behind the UK average.

However part of the question posed was when people ‘admitted’ to their first glass of wine. Dreadful liars we are up here.

The revelation is part of a larger survey of Britain, a ‘fascinating insight into the drinking habits of our nation’s wine lovers’.

Fair enough.

Other ‘facts’ included men are twice as likely to open the wine first, meanwhile the over 65s are the biggest boozers, putting students to shame by indulging in a glass of wine as early as 7.12pm. They are also the age-group most likely by a factor of three to start on the wine by 4pm. Around a third of 25-34 year olds have their first glass of wine before 7pm, while 45-54 year olds are most likely to wait until after the watershed to take their first sip.

Lies, damned lies and statistics perhaps. How many people took part in the survey for instance. Now where’s that bloody bottle, it’s way past noon.

The survey’s discoveries are here.

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