DUKES 92 has been around for more than a couple of decades, more than most food and drink places in the city. Situated in Castlefield, an area that, for Gordo, is much underutilized given its heritage as the anvil upon which the city was forged years ago when transport links arrived to massage the Industrial Revolution.

This menu has been fine tuned to present a basis for Dukes 92 to hang its hat on for the next five years

The clue is in the name, as back in ’92, Lucy Ramsbottom, aged 10, was helping in the newly built premises of the Ramsbottom family business. 

Today, she, along with marketing gaffer Lauren Youldon and the development chef Anthony Dunbar, were treating Gordo to a tasting of the new additions to the menu and sharing their vision.



Competition does one of two things to businesses. It either kills them or makes them stronger: Its fair to say that, with the unqualified success of Spinningfields half a mile away, the formidable Ramsbottom family ‘ain’t going to be one of the failures.

One lesson that has been learned here is don’t fall for fads. Whilst there is a major refurb in the offing, you won’t find this family jumping on the dirty food phenomenon. You will find them serving good, classic pub food with confidence and an eye to quality.

Gordo tried the old stalwarts: Brussels Pâté and a wonderful Camembert which was trying its best to escape the plank it was brought on. You choose two items off a deli list, which includes salad and crusty bread for £8.50. An absolute stand out, and highly unusual for Gordo, who despises vegetarians with great vigour, was the Buttermilk Battered Haloumi Burger (£8.50). Honest. It was blinding, proper melty with basil and mint yoghurt.

Beer Battered Cod (£12.00) came with chips that could have helped re-build the Roman Wall, which used to stand round the gaff. The mushy peas, which development Chef Dunbar was at pains to point out were his own recipe, represented comfort food at its best.

Gordo can go on, but to keep it short, this menu has been fine tuned to present a basis for Dukes 92 to hang its hat on for the next five years at least. Hopefully by then the dirty food wagon will have disappeared over the horizon.

There’s a deal, here.

Fish and ChipsFish and Chips