
CHRISTMAS has been and gone and many of us will be feeling the pinch and tightening our belts, opting to stay in rather than dining out. And if we can’t tighten our belts due to the excesses of the festive season, well, that’s one more reason to avoid eating out.

Indulge in comforting dishes without breaking either the bank or the buttons on your trousers

With financial pressures and self-denying resolutions hanging over us, January can seem like a pretty dreary place to be.

Cio-Sams- Cabbage %26#38%3B Bacon %282%29Cio-Sams - Cabbage & Bacon

It doesn’t have to be like that. Manchester’s Chophouses are all hearty, welcoming places, full of atmosphere and perfect for this time of your. It would be a shame to miss out. Their new 'Chop It Out' menu allows you to indulge in comforting dishes without breaking either the bank or the buttons on your trousers.

‘Chop It Out’ is a money saving, fixed-price menu, but one that is lower in calories and carbs. Suitable for practically every New Year’s resolution, these lighter plates won't have you rolling out of the door but they will have you coming back for more.

Cio-Asq-Curd %26#38%3B Beetroot - Goosnargh ChickenCio - Asq-Curd & Beetroot - Goosnargh Chicken

Do good, without feeling like you’re doing without by ordering a healthier meaty dishes such as the bacon chop or the mutton, or choose something very light with a catch of the day or salads with chicken, fish or charred vegetables. If you’re still hankering after something sweet, you don’t need to undo all the good work; the desserts on the ‘Chop It Out’ menu are deliciously tempting but  light enough to enjoy as part of a lower calorie dining experience.

The new ‘Chop It Out’ menu is available every lunchtime, Monday to Friday and early evening, Monday to Thursday. It’s perfect for any time of the day and at £14 for two courses or £17 for three courses, it is also very easy on the bottom line as well as the waistline.

The ‘Chop It Out’ Menu is available at Albert Square Chop House, Sam’s Chop House and Mr Thomas’s Chop House.

Click below to view the menus

Albert Square.

Sam's Chop House.

Mr Thomas's Chop House.

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