The painters are in
Bacon, Freud and Hockney have a brush with the stuff of life in new Walker...
Bacon, Freud and Hockney have a brush with the stuff of life in new Walker...
Second major work from Lucian Freud's collection comes via tax break scheme
'I'll be back,' says Wayne Hemingway as cast of thousands strike a pose. Pix/words: Larry...
This weekend: Culture in the bunker and an unrivalled VIP view of revels over the...
Light is finally shone on the darkest works of the tortured genius, says Bill Leece
As world class shows about lost civilisations go, they don't come more illuminating
'We want people to wet themselves laughing'
Andy Kershaw, Trenchtown DJs, world music and all your Peruvian jumper needs
By popular demand: ‘exclusive orgy’ from Kate Middleton's mate
More than squiggles, it's 'cosmic forces and primordial vibrations of the universe'
Live painting inspired by music in Exchange Flags
The Farm headline sunny weekend of local bands and local food at Claremont.
Say hello, wave goodbye to Soft Cell man waiting at Rock n Roll marathon finishing...
Craig Charles, Rebecca Ferguson and tens of thousands head for another waterfront party
You'll never guess what's trending with Liverpool kids
First UK gig outside London for world famous troupe
How thousands packed St George's Hall to raise cash for the Deep South cause
Mike Chapple leaves a decent tip for the vintage cabbie comedy