Quit complaining, let’s get complimenting
HERE at Confidentials HQ, it’s our job to big up the best on the North West food and drink scene and spread the word about where’s the next best place to scoff and quaff, and why.
Just like you, we love good scran and a bevvy or two, so flavour and presentation and even the décor and atmosphere of a gaff could swing our opinion one way or the other.
But we all know not to just judge a book purely by its cover – and for every beautiful swan floating along oh-so serenely, beneath the water there’s a whole powerhouse of energy and effort and efficiency driving the thing forward. What we’re saying is this: behind every great bar and restaurant, there’s a great team, and sometimes the individuals who make up the whole go unrecognised. The unsung heroes and heroines, if you like.
Well, we do like, very much, and we think it’s time we gave them the recognition they deserve.
So we’ve come up with a new scheme. Drum roll, please. And curtain up… may we introduce to you the brand-new shiny-shiny Confidentials’ MVP Campaign. Who’s your MVP? Your Most Valuable Player? Your employee of the month? We think you should tell us – and then we’ll tell everyone else, because that’s what we’re here for and what (if we do say so ourselves) we’re pretty darn good at.
Let us know who’s been your star this month – waiting on to the max, super cheffing, cocktail busking, pole position pint pulling, kitchen portering it out of the park – and let’s shout about it! Every month, we’re going to feature Manchester’s best-kept secrets: the guys and gals who keep the plates spinning and the wheels turning in the city but don’t always get to enjoy the applause, the accolades, the awards, the adoration...

We’ve been asking our friends in hospitality to put forward their suggestions, we’ve encouraged our app users to help out on the positivity front, and now we’re telling you to get involved – and then we’ll shout about them in a brand-new monthly feature.
Nominate your MVP, your Most Valuable Player, your employee of the month by emailing us with your where, who and why. Let us know which venue, a snippet of info about the star in question, what makes them deserve an ovation plus a photo, if that’s possible and they don’t mind.
Then keep an eye out on the site for this month’s MVP – and don’t forget to keep saying thanks to your staff and your servers, in words and in tips, even when you’re paying using one of our vouchers.
Share the love. Email us via enquiries@confidentials.com–we’re waiting!