
IF YOU have a sweet tooth but love cocktails, then you don’t want to miss Be at One’s milkshake cocktails. They're a perfect alternative to pudding if you're feeling a little full. The menu is an exciting mix of popular favourites and some creative sweet delights.

It's all about the nuts

With flavours like popcorn, chocolate and Solero, it can be hard to decide what to order - which is where we come in. Forget your traditional desserts and try these cocktails with all the sweetness of a dessert and the joys of alcohol all wrapped into one and let Confidential talk your through what we think you should order at Be at One.


Irish Disco Biscuit

A popular choice at Be at One and perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. Lovely smooth texture from the Baileys, vanilla ice cream and Crème de menthe but with the flavor of the Oreo coming through. This is ridiculously moreish and the peppermint liqueur just tops off the flavour beautifully.




Sunshine in a glass. If you closed your eyes, you could picture yourself sat on a beach in the Caribbean. This summer milkshake has Malibu, mango liqueur, passion fruit liqueur, mango puree and vanilla ice cream. It’s like drinking a Solero.




Brazilian Monk

Something classic and perfect for any chocolate lover. Made with Frangelico hazelnut liqueur, Kahlua, chocolate liqueur and vanilla ice cream, it’s like chocolate milk but for adults. This is also available without the alcohol just in case you do just fancy some chocolate milk.



Fire and Ice

The clue is definitely in the title with this one as it has cinnamon Jack Daniels whiskey in it. The first sip it hits you with the Jack Daniels but then you taste the maple syrup mixed with the ice cream and its like Christmas in a milkshake.




I feel like every cinema should have these as it's basically popcorn in a glass. If you want something sweet and savoury, this is the cocktail for you, made with butterscotch schnapps, sweet and salty popcorn and vanilla ice cream. One warning – one taste and you'll be hooked. It's also sprinkled with popcorn so you can snack between sips.



Rhys's Pieces

Its all about the nuts, more specifically peanuts. If sitting back with Reece’s peanut butter cups or a Snickers is your idea of a perfect night, then this cocktail is for you. With a peanut butter cup sitting on the top, this tasty treat is made with more peanut butter cups, bourbon, sugar and vanilla ice cream. It's also available as a  a mocktail.



If you fancy taking it easy and just want a mocktail, try Be At One's Tropical Road Trip. With its beautiful fruity flavours, it’s like a healthy smoothie but naughtier.

To book a booth at Be At One call 0161 413 3462 or click here