THE LATEST installment of #Twitfaced, a drinking event organised though social network Twitter, will be held on Friday at Slug and Lettuce, Albert Square, 6pm - 2am.
The informal networking event provides likeminded end-of-the-week-drinkers to ‘tweet to meet’ after work and get significantly sozzled.
The event will host a number of musical acts, including DJ Mark Hogg of Mint Lounge’s Funkademia.
Tweet to meet, and get Twitfaced
Panfire Steel Band will be warming up the crowd early doors before sets from guest DJs Al Mackin & Daniel Nolan (The EWord), and Christian McGinty & Ross Thompson (UPsearch).
Over 150 have already registered, creating a diverse crowd made up of chefs, entrepreneurs, journalists, bankers, designers, marketers, CEOs, graduates, PRs, police, artists, MDs, and solicitors.
It all sounds like fun. Just don’t let anybody catch you using the phrase, ‘let’s get Twitfaced tonight’, because you’ll sound like a technophobic pensioner trying desperately to ‘get with it.’
You can register for free tickets to Twitfaced here, or you can follow @Twitfacedevents on Twitter, and use hashtag #twitfaced.