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What's on in Manchester: all our events round-ups in one place

Handpicked Manchester nights out, events, family activities, gigs and more.

2023 12 13 John Rylands Library

Strange City (7): The Wicked Bible & a terrible typo

Jonathan Schofield on the pain of the typo: check and check again

2023 07 07 Mif They Maxine Peake Credit Paul Husband

MIF '23 Reviews: THEY with Maxine Peake at John Rylands Library

Sarah Tierney hears a late-night tale about a world where art and individuality are under...

Granada Television Offices 1960 Photograph By H  Milligan Courtesy Of Manchester Libraries Information And Archives

From Joy Division to Granada: British Pop Archive arrives in Manchester

If Johnny Marr thinks it's good, its gotta be worth a wander

Oriel Windows In Manchester Archtiectural Delights 4

Oriel windows: Manchester architectural details examined

Jonathan Schofield starts an occasional series on beautiful details on Manchester buildings

2020 05 28 Archi 3 Assize

The story of Manchester architecture: Part three 1850-1894

Jonathan Schofield and the battle of the styles

2019 05 09 Tourism Toilets

Is Manchester failing as a tourism destination?

Public toilets and the tourist information centre were both closed on one of the busiest...

What's on in Manchester: all our events round-ups in one place

Handpicked Manchester nights out, events, family activities, gigs and more.

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