IF you live in the city centre and have an opinion about the direction the place you live in should take in the next three years, then you should come along to this public meeting. 

This is your chance to have an opinion on the final form the plan should take.

All the city centre councillors will be in attendance, Cllrs Kevin Peel, Joan Davies and Beth Knowles. Confidential's opinionated Editor-at-Large, Jonathan Schofield, will help stimulate proceedings.

The meeting will consider the draft City Centre Strategy for 2015 - 2018. 

This is a hearty document that looks at the plans for the development and enhancement of the city centre 'neighbourhoods' one by one. So if you live or work in any of these then sign-up to come along to the meeting: NOMA, St Johns (former ITV site), Spinningfields, First Street, The Corridor Manchester, Aytoun Campus, Central Business District, Piccadilly, Mayfield, Medieval Quarter, Great Jackson Street, Salford Central and Greengate, Water Street, Irwell River Park, Retail Core, Castlefield, Northern Quarter, Chinatown and The Village.

Note how the debate will also take in Salford Central and Greengate. So it would be good to have people from over the river coming along.

Growth, infrastructure changes (we had our say here), how the waterways should be used, increased greening of the city, amenity and so on. It's a big plan and it can be read here.

This is your chance to have an opinion on the final form the plan should take. Demand has been high for places but if you want to join in please register here.

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