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Jonathan Schofield

Jonathan Schofield

Writer guide

2019 12 23 Albert Square Proposal Story

Finally Manchester has 24hr public toilets. Now what about our other amenities?

Jonathan Schofield on a tiny boost for city visitors, but we used to be much...

2020 01 07 Water Polo 1858 Baths 2

Golden Age - when Manchester won major sporting medals...for water polo

Jonathan Schofield stumbles on a century-old Mancunian triumph at Mayfield Baths

2020 01 07 Skunk 2

City centre skunk stink: it's not going away soon

Jonathan Schofield hits a wall concerning on-street weed abuse in Manchester

2020 01 03 Star Garter Front On

Rock on: Classic gig venue Star & Garter saved

Jonathan Schofield celebrates the survival of 'The Temple of Doom' through an enlightened attitude to...

2019 01 02 Northern Rail 2

Rail Fail - Northern Rail loses franchise

Now, let's get the trains running properly

2019 23 12 Albert Square Proposal

Albert Square reborn: We look at the plans. We have questions

Jonathan Schofield takes a critical look at the ambitions for Albert Square

2019 12 05 Kampus Garden

Copenhagen, canals and community - how Kampus avoided dullness in design

Developer Adam Brady from HBD talks us through how they arrived at a plan

2019 12 9 Roti Collation

'It doesn’t get better for comfort food' - Roti, Chorlton, reviewed

Jonathan Schofield and the tale of the spicy haggis and chirpy chop

2019 12 12 London Road Fire Station Detail

London Road Fire Station: Is the latest planning alteration an improvement?

Jonathan Schofield gives us an update on plans for this iconic city centre structure

2019 12 10 Property Roundup Terminal Two

Property roundup – Refuge centre to language school, terminal news and the biggest lido

Bricks & Mortar part 13 - MMU sports institute, waterworld at Dumplington, airport terminal dates

2019 11 29 Engels House 2

Manchester demolished: A recent search reveals city planning insanity

Jonathan Schofield looks into how whole streets and beautiful houses have been wiped away

2019 12 05 Kampus Garden 2

Kampus: Manchester's hidden garden starts to bloom

Jonathan Schofield thinks this is going to be a cracking little oasis