CHAPLAIN Joshua Brookes found himself in the middle of an explosion in the population during the Industrial Revolution. There was a huge demand for baptisms, marriages and funerals on the Collegiate Church, the only church for miles around.
Manchester Cathedral presents an afternoon of dramatic monologues from the Reverend Joshua Brookes, who will hector, lecture, and even marry off his audience
How did he cope: by re-naming children offered for baptism with ridiculous names, marrying people in mass ceremonies – sometimes to the wrong person – and popping out for bags of sweets during funeral services.
In 19th century Manchester he is credited with baptising, marrying and burying more people than any other clergyman in the country.
Manchester Cathedral presents an afternoon of dramatic monologues from the Reverend Joshua Brookes, who will hector, lecture, and even marry off his audience whilst munching his way through an assortment of humbugs.
The drama will be staged within the Cathedral’s 15th century choir stalls.
Manchester Cathedral takes no responsibility for any marriages, willing or otherwise, that might take place during this performance.
Manchester Cathedral, Saturday 30 August 2014 at noon, 1pm and 2pm. Tickets available on the door. Price £5 per adult (£1 per child- suitable for ages 6 and above).
Manchester Cathedral