BEING a WAG ain’t easy.

Particularly for Chantelle Tagoe – fiancée of ex-Premiership footballer Emile Heskey.

"Over the years I’ve been asked to do so many TV programmes with WAGs but it’s just not what I want to be known for. We’re not all the same, in fact all the WAGs I know are down to earth girls."

With material wealth most can only dream of and two healthy young boys to former captain of the England squad, you’re probably wondering why. But while financial stability and motherhood might have been among Chantelle’s life goals, being someone who is thought to have more pairs of Louboutins than brain cells is certainly not.

Glamourous good looks aside, Chantelle isn’t your average WAG. In the run up to the 2010 World Cup, she showed ambitions greater than the WAG circus that was the 2006 World Cup. Parading around for the paps was never her thing. Not even with the likes of Victoria Beckham, Cheryl Cole and Coleen Rooney.

The 2006 World Cup WAGs doing their 'bit'The 2006 World Cup WAGs doing their 'bit'

Looking beyond her five-star accommodation to the real South Africa, the impoverished townships and orphanages, the result was the moving BBC documentary Wags, Kids and World Cup Dreams and, subsequently, Chantelle’s own charity, One Goal Foundation.

Speaking at the time, she said: "The whole experience was totally life changing. Witnessing the suffering first hand, I decided to try and do something to help give the orphans a better life. My goal was to start up my own charity when I returned back to England, which I did."

Since South Africa, Chantelle has continued to raise money for South African charities plus a different UK charity of her choice every year. She puts her WAG power to good use by hosting celebrity fashion shows and lavish parties. 

Of course there’s no denying that having Heskey has helped. Supportive investors can provide the key to any start-up business. It just so happens Chantelle’s was easier to come by than most.

What is refreshing however, is the fact she didn’t use Heskey's money or status to bring out the all-too-obvious clothing line, perfume or make-up brand. Better yet, she didn’t choose to sit pretty, doing diddly-squat.   

Chantelle visited impoverished areas of South Africa in the run up to the 2010 World CupChantelle visited impoverished areas of South Africa in the run up to the 2010 World Cup

She said: "When I was younger I wanted to be a lawyer, then a fashion designer, then a beauty therapist. I was always changing my mind. I did get beauty therapist qualifications in the end but then I just got bored of that.

"I always knew I wanted to do something more. I love planning events and being charitable. My charity isn’t as well known as I want it to be yet but hopefully doing different events will help raise awareness."

On Sunday 4 August, she will host her first all-star charity football match and family fun day at Salford City Stadium – the home of Salford City Reds rugby team.

The matches will feature a variety of WAGs, ex-footballers and celebrities including Chantelle and Emile, Carla Kompany (wife of Vincent Kompany), Leanne Brown (wife of Wes Brown), Chelsee Healey (from Waterloo Road), Francesca MacDuff-Varely (from The Apprentice 2013), Imogen Thomas (from Big Brother), Ian Rush (ex-Liverpool player) and Peter Reid (ex-Sunderland manager), plus a host of Emmerdale and Coronation Street actors.

There will also be fairground rides, food stalls, go karts and a special guest providing half time entertainment.

The WAGs train for the One Goal Foundation football matchThe WAGs train for the One Goal Foundation football match

During a recent training session (yes they really are that serious) at Hale Country Club, Chantelle said: "This is our third training session. I’ve never played football before and it’s not as easy as it looks, trying to control the ball and stuff. I’ll never ever say that it’s easy again. Emile couldn’t believe what I’d decided to do at first but when he came to the session he was pleasantly surprised at how serious I was.

"I’ve done other charity events such as dinners and Halloween parties, but I’ve always wanted to host a football match and get some of the other girls involved."

The money raised at Chantelle’s previous events (her charity fashion show in 2010 raised around £30,000) is probably less than Heskey’s weekly wage, but sometimes raising awareness can be just as important as raising funds. Plus, signing cheques from the comfort of her Cheshire home just isn’t an option for Chantelle.

Look at Tagoe goLook at Tagoe go

She said: “Over the years I’ve been asked to do so many TV programmes with WAGs but it’s just not what I want to be known for. We’re not all the same, in fact all the WAGs I know are down to earth girls.

“After the fashion show people were making comments about the money raised being less than most Premiership players’ weekly wages, but what I’m doing is not about that. This is a venture that I’ve took on, on my own. I’m enjoying it and want to raise as much as I can.

“If we could make the same or more I’ll be absolutely made up.”

Entry to the funfair is free and tickets start from just £5 for the football matches. The day will raise funds for One Goal Foundation and Once Upon a Smile charities. 

VIP tickets are also available for just £50 (children £25), which includes VIP area seating, as well as a 2 course Sunday dinner after the match with the players. To book tickets visit the Salford City Stadium website.

Follow Lynda on Twitter @lyndamoyo