SMARTER Rehab is a place worth knowing about if you're serious about staying in shape. Situated on King Street West, it offers a comprehensive range of services, from sports rehab, to a wide range of expert-led fitness classes, to personal training, to massage.

It's helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas like stiff necks, lower backs and sore shoulders.

In this competition three people will win a one-hour sports massage from one of their experienced Bsc(Hons) sports rehabilitators. If you have muscle tension from overworking your body in your fitness regime, or just from sitting awkwardly for long hours at a desk, this can make a big difference.

The massage will focus on realigning deep layers of muscles and connective tissue and is helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas like stiff necks, lower backs and sore shoulders.

Using some of the same strokes as classic massage, but with slower movement and deeper pressure, it will break down adhesions and reduce increased muscle tone to relieve pain and restore normal movement.

A one-hour deep tissue sports massage at Smarter Rehab costs £50. To make an appointment, call them on 0161 834 9523.

To enter the competition, just click the red button. The winners will be contacted on 1 February.