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What's on in Manchester: all our events round-ups in one place

Handpicked Manchester nights out, events, family activities, gigs and more.

2025 01 20 Owens Park Feature Thumbnail

Owens Park: Nostalgia and a crisis of accommodation

Lily Wallen speaks with students from past and near-present and asks what’s next for...

Mipim 23 Justine

MIPIM 2023 Reviewed: Was it worth the air miles?

Justine McGuinn takes a personal look at the property bash in Cannes

1 Gothick Houses Camp Street 3

Euro Car Parks' shameful treatment of city's heritage

Jonathan Schofield on a blatant disregard for a precious part of Manchester

Abh 2

The Good, the Standard, the Ugly: Albert Bridge House

Jonathan Schofield sings a lament for a doomed symbol of its age

2 Cw7 Former Midland Bank Now Jamies Italian Copy

Property: Towpath victory, more towers, Sunlight House, Midland Bank, empty excuses

Jonathan Schofield casts an opinionated glance at some stories in the property world

What's on in Manchester: all our events round-ups in one place

Handpicked Manchester nights out, events, family activities, gigs and more.

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