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From Great Northern to Piccadilly Place, we’ve moved about a fair bit in recent months - but guess what? We’ve found a permanent home on First Street and it’s bigger, better and WEIRDER than ever.

Putt up or shut up on nine-hole crazy golf courses made from a whole lotta random and pre-loved shizzle. Think UV slides, UFC bear cages, a hip-hop farm, tree house bar and loads more bizarre stuff we’ve picked up along the way. Remember, #LoserBuysTheDrinks.

Talking of booze, we now have FIVE bars. Accompany with epic nosh like hotdogs, cheesy nachos, homemade popcorn and pick ‘n’ mix sweets for the ultimate alternative night out (warning: there may be bad puns).

You ain’t never played golf like this before.

Get weird or go home...

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Roll up! Roll up! It’s the greatest show on earth - or something like that. This course is all about dark fairgrounds, circus freaks and twisted clowns. Winner takes it all in our homage to all things carnival! Check out the Ferris wheel, fortune tellers, Hall of Mirrors and avoid some pretty sh*t scary clowns. Time to run away from the circus...

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Welcome to the jungle, you’ll have fun and games! Putt your way through a building site, past a deep-cave-bear-wrestling-cage and a Rihanna themed forest bathroom... Not to forget the oil-soaked ocean and Rio-On-Sea! What is golf? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more...

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Time to take our scrapyard challenge. Wind your way through towers of tyres, written-off cars and auto- junk. Take on the giant loop the loop of Tyre-som Fury, putt of the top of a mini and down a slide, before you find yourself in the back of a van full of priceless art. It all ends up in Gary’s UV garage rave… don’t be a spanner, let’s go!

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