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2023 06 09 Exchange Autumn Programme Thumbnail Copy

Royal Exchange looks forward to lovelorn Autumn programme

Theatre staging three classics on theme of love in seasonal return to more classic programming

2018 10 04 Tast Autumn Menu Milfulls De Verdures Low Res 1

Be the first to try the new autumn dishes at Tast Catala

Summer might be over, but that’s a great excuse for some new seasonal dishes

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Smoky speck and tremendous truffles; It’s autumn at The Pasta Factory

Think Italian food is good in summer? Wait until you see this new seasonal menu

Michelin Star Chef Paco Perez To Open Manchester Restaurant Wrbm Large

Confidential puts Michelin starred chef Paco Pérez to the Tast

Expect the unexpected, says head chef Paco Pérez

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