This is important. You’ve got to live in the city centre to understand it. It’s different from the other wards in Manchester.
The last of these would be Labour as well but results from a councillor leaving the fold over the controversial FC United Stadium proposals in Moston.
No other city has anything like this majority in the UK.
MCFC might win the league but Manchester is definitely red.
It was gift night all round for Labour who were also against an elected mayor for Manchester and got their way.
It was a close run thing though. 48,593 people said no to the idea with 42,677 saying yes.
Confidential is pleased by this: we don't think there is need for a elected mayor for the City of Manchester.
As Sir Richard Leese, Manchester Council Leader told the MEN: "There now needs to be a very clear debate about a Greater Manchester mayor and we've not had that yet. We shouldn't be following the London model. If we are to move down that road it should be something that builds on the very significant achievements of the combined authority across Greater Manchester - it should go with the flow."
He has a point, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Salford meanwhile had already decided to have an elected mayor through a council chamber decision rather than a referendum. The results will be announced soon.
The Liberal Democrats were hammered across the region and nationally. They now have no Salford wards and the council leader of Stockport Dave Goddard lost out too.
In the city centre, well-regarded councillor and leader of the Liberal Democrat group, Marc Ramsbottom, gaves way to the Manchester Confidential theatre writer and Castlefield resident Joan Davies (her most recent review is here).
Joan DaviesShe said to us: "With Kevin Peel, also of the Labour Party, there are now two city centre councillors who actually live in the city centre. This is important. You’ve got to live in the city centre to understand it. It’s different from the other wards in Manchester. You’ve got residents, employers, workers, tourists and all these elements have to gel together if the city is going to be successful and thus benefit its citizens and the region."
We're sorry for Marc he's been an excellent and deeply committed councillor, one with a good brain on him. He should stand for parliament next.
But Joan is also a fine person, who loves the city centre and is thoughtful, intelligent and humorous. She will be a great asset to Manchester City Council.
You can follow Jonathan Schofield on Twitter here @JonathSchofield