PEOPLE who work or live in Fallowfield and Withington are being asked for their views on a potential new licensing policy for the area. 

If introduced, a cumulative impact policy may mean there would be an assumption against granting licences for new licensed premises in the area. 

Manchester City Council’s licensing policy committee agreed to launch the consultation on March 19 after residents had raised concerns about the impact of licensed premises and about public nuisance issues in the area. 

Some residents had asked the City Council to introduce the city’s first cumulative impact policy, which if granted would affect how applications are dealt with for any new bars, clubs, late night takeaways and restaurants in the area.

Local residents, businesses, and agencies such as the police, as well as university and student groups will now be asked for their views on whether to introduce the policy and if so, how it would work. 

The three-month consultation will be launched in April, after which licensing officers will collate the responses that will then be considered by the licensing policy committee who will make a recommendation to the full council regarding any proposed changes to the existing licensing policy. 

If introduced, a cumulative impact policy may mean there would be an assumption against granting licences for new licensed premises in the area. 

Councillor Nigel Murphy, Manchester City Council’s executive member for the environment, said: "There has been a history of alcohol-related issues in these areas and I’d like to reassure residents that we will continue to work closely with the police and other agencies to make sure they are dealt with effectively. 

"A new licensing policy would not be a magic wand to end all problems in Fallowfield and Withington, but it could be another important tool in our arsenal. We now want residents, as well as student groups, to get involved in this consultation and tell us what they want to see in the area. 

”If approved, the cumulative impact policy would be the first of its kind in the city and we’d look closely at how this works.” 

Details of the consultation will be placed on the City Council’s website –  – in the next few weeks.